lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

The new experience in Spain ! :)

The last month , we have recived a some students from some places of Eurtope.
Students from Italy , Turjey , France, Iceland, Germany and Denmark.The most of them have been in Spain during 5 days less the italian students .
They visited some famous places of Seville and I think that the liked it.
During thes comenius I have learnt a lot of english and I have inproved my english accent.
I haven´t recived any student but I have been so happy with the differents students that have been in my friends´ homes .
I think that it can be a good experience for us because we haved tolk to other people from very diferents parts . Differents in costumes , lenguages , ...
I hope repit this experience. :)

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